ProtExtent Biosolutions Pvt. Ltd. (PBPL) is developing a novel VLP-based antigen delivery platform readily amenable to highly efficient bioconjugation (essentially with a ‘plug-n-display’ approach) with various antigen of choice to enhance their immunogenicity. This novel VLP-platform being developed by PBPL would find application in developing vaccines with high efficacy against different infectious as well as non-infectious diseases. PBPL is open to discussion with different academic and industrial partners for joint development of their respective vaccine antigens using this novel VLP-platform being developed by PBPL.

PBPL offers CONTRACT RESEARCH SERVICES to interested academic and industrial groups for production of customized recombinant proteins using the wide range of recombinant protein expression platforms, prokaryotic: E. coli & L. lactis; eukaryotic: P. pastoris & K. lactis; and higher eukaryotic: insect cells.


CONTRACT RESEARCH SERVICES undertaken by PBPL would involve the following steps:

Initial Project Discussion:
PBPLwelcomes discussions with potential CONTRACT RESEARCH customers to clearly understand the customer’s project requirement and to make appropriate suggestions for achieving efficient & cost-effective recombinant protein production.

Project Confirmation:
Following initial discussion, PBPL shall attend to final confirmation by the prospective customer for embarking on the plan for production of the desired recombinant protein. Contract Agreement: A project execution agreement would be signed by PBPL with the customer defining the terms and conditions of engagement together with clear listing of the milestones and deliverables for the completion of the contract.

Contract Agreement:
A project execution agreement would be signed by PBPL with the customer defining the terms and conditions of engagement together with clear listing of the milestones and deliverables for the completion of the contract.

Project Implementation & Timely Updates:
PBPL would initiate and implement different activities as per the commitments of the contract. Timely updates for the results obtained together with the copies of milestone reports would be shared with the customer for their respective projects.

QC Analysis & Data Sharing:
PBPL would conduct Quality Control Analysisfor the detailed characterization of the desired recombinant protein produced towards determining its identity, purity, quantity and functional activity (if applicable), & share this report with the customer.

Product Delivery:
PBPL would ensure delivery of the recombinant product to the customer through maintaining appropriate cold-chain facility.